扣眼式打法(Buttonhole technique)之四:目前實證研究證據以及Guideline整理

先說在前面,繩梯式打法(Rope Ladder)還是目前的主流,扣眼式打法只建議用在一部分的病人上面,原因是…

Randomized controlled trial (RCT)

觀察性研究(observational study)或是世代性性研究(cohort study)我就不整理了,我就直接列證據等級最高的RCT(隨機對照試驗)五個,並且把他和我們臨床上面最關心的問題(出血、感染、…等)結果來列表。(CJASN在2019三月有一篇加拿大的RCT做在居家透析病人上面,不過n=14....我想應該沒有放進來的價值)



唯一不合群的是2013的Vaux et al.,但這個試驗有幾個特點我想特別拿出來講講

  1. 使用Nipro的Biohole設備,特色是在建立通道的初期(至少六次),用一個polycarbonate peg聚碳酸脂的栓子(Biohole plug),在透析後拔針之後,插入並留置在針進出的那個通道,使通道更穩固。
  2. 追蹤的時間是一年。(追蹤時間最長的是MacRae et al.,平均一年半)
  3. 試驗期間,Buttonhole扣眼式打法的組別有高達三分之一dropout,改成Rope ladder繩梯式打法

Nephology, Dialysis, Transplantation(腎臟科很熟悉的NDT)在2016年有針對固定位打法做過專題討論(免費公眾閱覽 [open access] 由此去. Volume 31, Issue 4, April 2016)。進行總結的Moderator Laura Labriola(比利時)對Vaux et al.感染率的結果,認為和上述三點可能都有關聯。



  • 天時(自體動靜脈廔管的病人,有設計良好的器材e.g.像是polycarbonate peg聚碳酸脂的栓子 )
  • 地利(不要太繁忙、每次打針都不同護理人員、或是人員流動大的透析中心)
  • 人和(能夠嚴謹地每一次都遵守打針、感染控制SOP的病人)




2006 KDOQI 2006 Vascular access update
3.3  Buttonhole:
Patients with fistula access should be considered for buttonhole (constant-site) cannulation. (See protocol in CPG 3.)

2007 European Vascular Access Society
Guideline 4.4. The rope ladder technique should be used for cannulation of grafts (Evidence level III)
In autogenous fistulae, particularly those with only a short vein segment available for needling, the buttonhole method is preferred over area puncture.

2015 United Kingdom Renal Association
6. Maintenance of vascular access (Guidelines 6.1-6.5)
Guideline 6.1 – Needling technique
We recommend that the rope-ladder and buttonhole techniques should be used for cannulation of AVF and rope-ladder for AVG (2B).

2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
目前文獻不支持常規性的在所有自體動靜脈廔管的病人使用扣眼式打法,不過此法可能特別適合廔管過短的病人 Buttonhole technique
Currently, the available literature does not recommend the routine use of the buttonhole method in all AVFs. However, the buttonhole cannulation technique may be especially appropriate for patients with a short cannulation segment


扣眼式打法(Buttonhole technique)之一:簡介
扣眼式打法(Buttonhole technique)之二:Constant site method的發明者:Twardowski醫師
扣眼式打法(Buttonhole technique)之三:投一次沒人看,你有投兩次嗎?
扣眼式打法(Buttonhole technique)之四:目前實證研究證據以及Guideline整理


  1. Labriola L et al. Moderator’s View: Buttonhole cannulation of arteriovenous fistulae: Great caution is warranted. NDT. 2016; 31: 530–533.
  2. Toma S et al. A timesaving method to create a fixed puncture route for the buttonhole technique. NDT. 2003; 18: 2118–2121.
  3. Struthers J et al. Buttonhole Needling of Ateriovenous Fistulae: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ASAIO J. 2010; 56: 1
  4. Chow J et al. A randomised controlled trial of buttonhole cannulation for the prevention of fistula access complications. J. Ren. Care 2011; 37: 85–93.
  5. MacRae JM et al. A randomized trial comparing buttonhole with rope ladder needling in conventional hemodialysis patients. CJASN. 2012; 7: 1632–1638.
  6. Vaux E et al. Effect of buttonhole cannulation with a polycarbonate peg on in-center hemodialysis fistula outcomes: A randomized controlled trial. AJKD. 2013; 62: 81–88.
  7. MacRae JM et al. Arteriovenous fistula survival and needling technique: Long-term results from a randomized buttonhole trial. AJKD. 2014; 63: 636–642.

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